Developed | January 6, 2021

Shopify Order Manager

Web application designed to efficiently manage and organize orders from Shopify, providing a seamless solution for tracking and fulfilling customer orders with ease.

Ant Design
Shopify API
Personal VPS

Shopify Order Manager is a web application I personally developed to make managing and fulfilling Shopify orders more efficient. Having built several online stores using Shopify, I found that handling thousands of orders manually was a time-consuming and tedious task. To solve this, I created this app to simplify order sorting and streamline the integration with shipping providers. Using the Shopify API, the app automates bulk order sorting, making it easier to process large volumes of orders. It also notifies customers about their order status and tracking numbers through SMS, ensuring timely updates. This tool has significantly improved the efficiency of managing Shopify orders and fulfillment operations.


A web application built to streamline the management and organization of Shopify orders, offering an effortless solution for tracking and fulfilling customer orders efficiently.

User Login and Multi-Store Support Each user has a personal login, and the app supports multiple Shopify stores for seamless order management across different platforms.

Order Management Fetch orders directly from Shopify, edit them within a table, and export the orders in an Excel format ready for upload to shipping provider websites, eliminating the need for tedious manual edits.

Product Management Retrieve products from your Shopify store and directly edit product details within the app, simplifying product updates and management.

Bulk Fulfillment Automatically fulfill orders by uploading the exported Excel file from your shipping provider. The app populates tracking numbers and notifies customers via SMS, removing the need for manual order fulfillment.

Automated Customer Notifications Notify customers of their order status and tracking numbers via SMS, ensuring customers are updated in real-time throughout the fulfillment process.



Tech Stack

This project is developed with robust tools, guaranteeing seamless maintenance and providing an efficient, enjoyable development process.


React v16.13.1Designed to build a dynamic and interactive user interface with reusable components, enhancing the overall user experience.

JavaScript Serves as the primary scripting language for implementing dynamic client-side functionality and interactions.

Ant Design v4.6.4Used to create a responsive and accessible design, offering a collection of pre-built components that ensure a consistent look and feel across the application.


Node.js Utilized for server-side development, Node.js handles backend operations efficiently, enabling real-time functionality and seamless communication between the server and client.

Express.js Used as a lightweight framework to streamline server-side development, simplifying the creation of APIs and handling of HTTP requests, while maintaining flexibility and performance.

MySQL Used as the primary database to store and manage application data, ensuring efficient querying, data integrity, and scalability for handling large datasets.

Shopify API Used to integrate seamlessly with Shopify stores, enabling automated order retrieval, product management, and bulk fulfillment, while streamlining operations like tracking updates and customer notifications.


Git Utilized for version control, enabling efficient tracking of code changes, collaboration across teams, and seamless management of project history and updates.

Vercel Used for seamless deployment and hosting, providing fast performance, automatic scaling, and continuous integration for a streamlined development and production workflow.

Railway Used for hosting my Node.js API, providing seamless deployment, automatic scaling, and easy integration with databases and other services.

Personal VPS My API and frontend were previously hosted on a private VPS running Windows Server, offering a custom hosting environment before moving to other platforms.

IIS Previously used as the web server to host my frontend on a Windows Server VPS, offering reliable and scalable support for web applications.

Nginx I previously used Nginx as the web server for my API on a Windows Server VPS, delivering a robust and efficient solution for managing requests and optimizing performance.

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This website was developed with Next.js and styled using Tailwind CSS.