Developed | August 23, 2023

Easy Commerce

A forward-thinking company specializing in network marketing, e-commerce solutions, and premium beauty and wellness products.

Ant Design

I completed a freelance project for Easy Commerce, an innovative company specializing in network marketing, e-commerce solutions, and premium beauty and wellness products. I handled all the frontend development, while my teammate managed the backend.


This platform is crafted with a focus on security, efficiency, and a seamless user experience, offering the following essential features:

Dashboard Provides an overview of key metrics and statistics, including total sales, commissions, new member registrations, and recent activities for both members and administrators.

Admins Manages admin users and their access to various parts of the system, ensuring proper administration and security across the platform.

Packages Allows for the management of available packages, including creation, updates, tracking of package-related data, and making packages available for purchase by members.

Payments Facilitates the processing and tracking of payments, ensuring that all financial transactions are accurately recorded and managed for transparency and reliability.

Payout Requests Manages and processes payout requests from users, including the ability to review, approve, or reject requests to ensure timely and accurate payouts.

Deductions Manages and tracks any deductions applied to payouts or accounts, ensuring that financial records are transparent, accurate, and up-to-date.

Retail Products Handles the management of retail products available for sale, including tasks such as inventory tracking, product updates, and making products accessible for purchase by members.

Product Sales Monitors and provides detailed reports on product sales, offering insights into sales performance, trends, and financial metrics.

Members Manages member accounts by allowing administrators to view, edit, and track member activity and status, while enabling members to update their profiles and manage their accounts.

Profile Allows both members and admin users to view and update their personal information, account settings, and security preferences, ensuring personalized and secure access.

Landing Page Serves as the main entry point for visitors, providing an overview of the company, its services, and products, with key calls to action and navigational elements leading to various parts of the site.



Tech Stack

This project is built using reliable tools, ensuring straightforward maintenance and a smooth development process.


React v18.2Developed a dynamic and interactive user interface with reusable components to enhance the overall user experience.

JavaScript Served as the primary scripting language, enabling dynamic client-side functionality and interactions.

Next.js v14.0.1Provided a framework for server-side rendering and static site generation, enhancing performance and SEO.

Ant Design v5.12.1Implemented to ensure a consistent and responsive user interface, utilizing a comprehensive collection of pre-designed components for accessibility and uniformity.


MongoDB Employed for robust data management, providing reliable and scalable backend support.


Git Used for distributed version control, enabling efficient code management, branching, and collaboration.

Vercel Used for hosting and deploying frontend applications with a focus on fast, scalable, and reliable deployments.

© 2025 Rommel Christian Baes. All rights reserved.
This website was developed with Next.js and styled using Tailwind CSS.